Zavoj Lake, Serbia - Photo Of The Day #648

Zavoj Lake, Serbia

Daily Photography #648


Zavojsko Jezero

Zavoj Lake

Iako će neki pomisliti da se radi o reci koja formira meandre, na slici se nalazi Zavojsko jezero u jugoistočnoj Srbiji u podnožju Stare planine. Nastalo je sredinom prošlog veka kada je posle obilnih padavina klizište pregradilo tok reke Visočice. Jezero je potopilo selo Zavoj po kojem je čitavo jezero dobilo ime.   Although some will think that it is a river that forms meanders, the picture shows Zavojsko Lake in southeastern Serbia at the foot of Stara Planina (Old Mountain). It was formed in the middle of the last century when, after heavy rains, a landslide blocked the course of the river Visocica. The lake submerged the village of Zavoj, after which the whole lake got its name. 
Da bi se sprečile dalje katastrofe, prirodna brana nastala odronom zemlje je ojačana. Deo vode iz jezera se podzemnim cevima sprovodi do hidrocentrale, dok se ostatak vode kontrolisano ispušta u dalji tok rekek Visočice.   In order to prevent further catastrophes, the natural dam created by the landslide was strengthened. Part of the water from the lake is conducted through underground pipes to the hydroelectric power plant, while the rest of the water is discharged in a controlled manner into the further course of the Visocica river.  
Pogled na jezero sa vidikovca Kozji Kamen je postao jedan od zaštitnih znakova Srbije posle velikih napora opština Pirot i Knjaževac da popularišu lepote Stare planine.  The view of the lake from the Kozji Kamen (Goat Stone) lookout has become one of the trademarks of Serbia after the great efforts of the municipalities of Pirot and Knjaževac to popularize the beauties of the Old Mountain.  



Sony A6000 & Sony E 18-135mm
1/500 sec
** Huge panorama of 20-ish vertical photos   

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