Do I need to re-edit the photos??? - Photo Of The Day #642

Do I need to re-edit the photos? 😃

Daily Photography #624



Najkraći i najbolji odgovor na pitanje 'Da li treba da se vratim na neke stare fotografije i ponovo ih obradim posle nekog vremena?' je DA, NARAVNO!   The shortest and best answer to the question 'Should I go back to some old photos and process them again after a while?' is YES, OF COURSE! 
Ova fotografija je snimljena jednog kiƥnog maja na jezeru Traunsee u Gornjoj Austriji. Kiƥa je joƥ uvek rominjala dok sam fotografisao predivni zamak Schloss Ort.   This photo was taken one rainy May on Lake Traunsee in Upper Austria. The rain was still pouring as I photographed the beautiful Schloss Ort castle.  
Iako sam originalnom crno-belom fotografijom bio zadovoljan, posle par meseci sam pomislio da mi stub rasvete prilično kvari kompoziciju, kao i to da je slika previơe svetla. Odradio sam novi edit, ovg puta u Photoshopu i rezultat vidite na donjoj fotografiji. Koja verzija vam se viơe dopada?   Although I was satisfied with the original black-and-white photo, after a few months I thought that the lighting pole was quite spoiling my composition, as well as that the picture was too bright. I did a new edit, this time in Photoshop and you can see the result in the photo below. Which version do you prefer?  



Sony A6000 & Sigma 19mm
1/200 sec

All images are my original work
If you are interested, you may order them for crypto.
You can order photos as full resolution digital copies, fine prints on high quality photo paper or as framed canvass paintings.

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