this recipe can be for maag and can to slim

Safe for Maag

  • What kind of dye, pure sari
    prescription skinny easily within 1minggu

3hari lost 3kg
1minggu lost 10kg
1bulan hilanh 20kg

Just drink a day

Jngan surprised the stomach began to deflate..the large part from small fat becomes liquid

Who wants this recipe ..

3 stems sere cut 4 parts trus digeprek
2 lime grains sliced thinly round
1 teabag bag, can be black tea / green tea.
5 glasses of water

All ingredients are boiled. Water that was 5 cups, kira2 up to 2 cups.
After a cold drink morning and evening.

Remember: do not use sugar!
His name jg pengin slim.

Problem sense Yes if indeed slim pengin do not ngributin about taste. Like drugs ... where there is a good taste.

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