Vintage Photos - Goodwill Lot 1 (109-112)

I made some impulse buys after getting a new scanner and picked up several batches of slides a while back from Goodwill and eBay. These pictures span from as early as the late 1940s to as late as the early 1990s. There are many thousands of these slides. I will be scanning some from time to time and posting them here mainly because I find them an interesting way to look back at the past.

I don't know a whole lot about the ultimate origins of this batch of slides other than they came from Goodwill. Like previous batches, these too often have a date stamped on them that I assume indicates when the film was developed and I believe in most cases should give approximate dating for the photograph itself. So far these seem like mostly vacation photos that were taken in the 1960s and 1970s. I've identified places in Italy, France, Mexico, and Hawaii so far.

Like the previous set (the last few sets have been pretty consistent), all of these slides were processed in August 1970 and were most likely taken in Italy.

The first photo shows the facade of the Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence Cathedral). Thanks to Google Images for helping to identify it for me.

Likewise, Google Images helped me to identify the second photo as the San Michele in Foro which is a Roman Catholic basilica in Lucca, Tuscany.

I had less luck with the third photo which shows a bunch of sheep crossing the road. There is a sign that says 'Carabinieri' which refers to an Italian law enforcement agency.

The last photo was pretty clearly taken near the previous one. You can still see sheep and now there is another 'Carabinieri' sign, this time on a building. Presumably a police station or headquarters of sorts.

processed August 1970

processed August 1970

processed August 1970

processed August 1970

See the previous post in this series here.

The entire collection that has been scanned and uploaded so far can also be found here. This also includes higher resolution versions and versions with post processing.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

MegaCon 2012: Frenchy and the Punk (4) - Le Train

Vintage Photos - Goodwill Lot 1 (105-108)

Digital Archaeology: Dell Inspiron 1501

Compute! (October 1981)

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