Vintage Photos - eBay Set #2b (66-69)

I made some impulse buys after getting a new scanner and picked up a huge batch of slides a while back. These pictures span from as early as the late 1940s to as late as the early 1990s. These were from Goodwill and eBay. There are many thousands of these slides. I will be scanning some from time to time and posting them here for posterity.

This set continues a batch of slides that I bought on eBay a while back. I don't have as much to go on as to the ultimate origin of these compared to the previous batch I was working on. They came to me from eBay and most likely were picked up at an estate sale by the seller. Most of them seem to be taken in the 1960s and same individuals are included in many of the photos. It looks like there are some that were taken in Miami and some that were taken in New Jersey and perhaps elsewhere. I get the impression that Miami was a vacation spot for this family. Despite the weird numbering change, this is part of the same batch of slides I have been scanning...not sure what I was trying to do with the numbering...

The first two photos were processed in September 1968. It's not clear exactly where they were taken other than they appear to be from the same place and time out in front of someone's house in a neighborhood somewhere. The couple featured in most of the photos from this batch may have been on a road trip and visiting friends. This doesn't look like Florida though which is where most of their travel photos seem to have been taken. Maybe on the way...

The third photo is undated but would also be from the mid to late 1960s. It shows a bunch of ducks in the water somewhere. It looks like it was taken at night.

The last photo is was processed in May 1965 and seems to show a cat flying through he air while another cat looks on. I suspect there is someone dangling a cat toy off frame. I guess they were trying to get a nice action shot but missed. You don't get instant review with film cameras from the 1960s...

processed September 1968

processed September 1968

processed May 1965

See the previous post in this series here.

The entire collection that has been scanned and uploaded so far can also be found here. This also includes higher resolution versions and versions with post processing.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

PC World (September 1987)

Amstrad Computer User (June 1991)

Vintage Photos - eBay Set #2b (62-65)

Brevard Renaissance Fair 2020: Music The Gathering (8) - John Barleycorn

ANALOG Computing (September 1983)

Vintage Photos - eBay Set #2b (58-61)

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