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Why is the aperture flashing red on my device?

Hello everyone. Today I am making a video for you which is again to answer a question that I received by email and which was, roughly: why do I have the opening on my device, so the “number f ” flashing or displayed in red?

This is an interesting question. So I answer that in my photo basics video series, which I advise you to watch if you haven't yet, but wanted to make a special video on it because if anyone is looking for this stuff. in particular, he might be able to find an answer through that.

In fact, what you need to understand first is that to do the exposure in semi-automatic modes, like aperture priority or shutter speed, your camera will try to get on the scene a standard exposure, which we call the “18% gray”, that is to say it will try to have a brightness of the scene which is roughly equal to roughly a standard, a standard which has been determined to be pretty much good all the time.

So, as an aside: you can tweak what it tries to achieve with exposure compensation, which is a super useful feature - but I made a video on it, so I'll let you watch it, I'm not going to start doing it again now.

And so, when you are in a semi-automatic mode, like for example speed priority mode, well, the device cannot pick up the light everywhere.

Because you fixed the speed, you told him: shoot at that speed, so that he is not going to touch.

And the ISO sensitivity, you may have done it in automatic, or not, but if you have fixed it, it can only fetch on the aperture.

So let's say you're speed priority, you put it, I don't know, at 1 / 50th, you set the ISOs to 1600, and the camera needs to bring in more light.

So he will open the diaphragm, open the diaphragm, open the diaphragm… to its maximum.
For example, if the maximum for your device is f / 2.8, it cannot go beyond that.

And what happens if he wants to go beyond that but he can't, well, he's going to flash the aperture on the device - either he's going to flash it or he's going to display it in red, or both.
In short, he will warn you.

And what it means, this warning, is: be careful, I would like to open more to have the exposure that I want to have, but I cannot because it is limited to that and I can't do more than that. And so the photo is going to be too dark for what I want.

So, you can imagine that sometimes the camera wants something and you have satisfied yourself with something darker. That is something else. But he warns you that he would like to bring in more light and that he cannot.
There you go, that's just what it means. He communicates with you, in fact, he speaks to you.

There you go, I hope it helped you understand this concept. If it's not clear to you - because I deliberately didn't redefine all the terms, otherwise I'll make a 20-minute video and it's not worth it -, especially watch my series on the basics of photography, because that will help you a lot on that.

If you discover the channel with this video, remember to download your guide “Have fun while photographing”, it will help you with many problems like that, and then also to subscribe just below to see the next videos.

And then think about giving a thumbs up, commenting if you have any questions, and then sharing with your friends if you ever think it might be of use to them.

There you go, see you in the next video, and until then see you soon, and good photos!