Croatian hidden treasures. Heaven on Earth, Cross the border and stay in same country

Babic lake


is located between Postak mountain in Croatia and Ilice mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


According to its territory, it belongs to Croatia, and there is only a few kilometers distance away from the Bosnian border. the lake can be reached through several directions. The easisest way to visit this lake is by car from Strmica (Knin) direction, or from Gracac or Srb, however, if you use these directions you need to cross the border, yes you have to cross the border (Croatia-Bosnia) to stay in same country😂😂 .
It is a hideous and poorly-visited place


where mostly local people spend their free time, and who are full of praise for their lake stating that the last 10 minutes of the movie titled 'Heaven on Earth' were filmed on the lake, and there is a small raft left which is now used as a major entertainment.


As far as the lake is concerned, it is better to remain hidden, otherwise it wouldn't be so special at all.


Till the next time take care @budzy .

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