Unable for first flight


Looking at the photos I have attached most people will only see beautiful swans swimming on some kind of water surface, but for me who is well acquainted with the whole story related to these swans, I notice that something is not right!
For the first time this year, a pair of swans brought seven cygnets to the open canal on April 27. At that time, they were about a couple of days old. Now almost eight months later you can see that only one now almost grown up swan is with his parents, everyone else has long since separated and departed which is quite normal.
At the age of five months young swans are capable of making their first flights, this one has not yet made its first flight, and all indicates that it has somehow lagged behind in physical development, and is likely to be sentenced to death if the canal would be completely frozen!
I could look up photos of swans photographed from day one of their show up so far and make a retrospective of them growing up, but it would require me to slowly review all the photos I made in the last eight months, which would be a pretty big job to do! I don't know, maybe I'll do it in the upcomming days.
I used another beautiful day in a row for nature walks as well as for photography, because according to meteorologists, it will be raining tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.







20.12.2019. Thanks for visiting my photo blog
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©2019 @biti biTi

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