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The United Kingdom Took a White Sheet of Ice

Due to the cold winds coming from Siberia, the UK is in severe heat and snowfall, but some have also found opportunities for fun in this cold season.

Elephant's statue was set at the Zoo's Colchester Zoo. It is being declared the winter coldest week in the UK.

Hundreds of schools were closed due to snow and children got a vacation.

If there is a holiday, whether the weather is as entertaining, then the children came out to slog out of the Rochester Castle in Kent.

Scarborough's coast also started to look at the snowfield.

Chester's Zoo was closed at the age of animal protection, but the apparent disadvantages of the Daniee Dale's cows did not ruin.

Newcastle streets after night's snow.

Fields of ice were hidden in northern Yorkshire.

Snowfall has also affected system life in London badly.

After snowfall in central London, people are enjoying snow in the Park.

All pictures are all copyrighted.
