365 Photos 365 Days: Day 225 The beauty of Motherhood

When the baby was born I took a long break from doing client sessions and focused instead on photographing my own family. At the end of last year I started to slowly take on new clients, never really advertising myself but taking jobs as people asked.Doing this 365 has helped me develop my style and skill, and during the time off from doing client work I had time to think about the kind of work I want to do. And what I want to do is lifestyle photography, capturingfamilies as they are, in their homes, and helping them keep forever their own happy memories.

Since going back to work I've been really fortunate to meet some wonderful families and have been lucky to photograph them with their newborn babies -- my absolute favorite photos to take. I mean, how does it get more perfect than this? A new mother, a one week old baby, and the love that they already share for each other. Capturing moments like this are magic for me.

Shot with my Canon 70D and Sigma 35mm ART lens. f1.4, 1/160, ISO 400.

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