My Fascination With Nature Is Worrisome .. haha

I Promise This Will Be ..

The last nature related post for the evening. I was out with the dogs this past weekend and was admiring a few flowers still in bloom. I saw this butterfly that I've seen several times before. I see it but am never quick enough to get a good picture of it before it fly's away and out of sight. I was able to get a picture a while back.. A rather good one I thought (for an amateur). I'll post it below. It came to rest on an old green/blue hose, which in itself created a cool shot. Well this time, the butterfly came to rest on this cool pink/purple flower. No clue what kind of flower it is and no clue the name of this butterfly. I was too lazy to key out the flower, but I made it my mission (took all of 1 minute) to figure out the name of this quickly spooked flying friend.

The Common Buckeye!!! or Buckeye as some call it

Common Buckeye
Junonia coenia

Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Junonia
Species: coenia


Photo by BDMiller
Taken with my (cough cough.. iPhone)

Here Is A Shot..

I think I remember posting about before or I entered it into a steemit contest of some kind. I think it's worth sharing again, mainly because it's the same butterfly I saw before. Okay, not the SAME butterfly, but you know what I'm saying. The Common Buckeye!! :-D

Another photo by BDMiller
Taken with a Canon Rebel Ti1

I must really go to bed now ..

Really, right now. I am going to bed.

Good Night Steemians!!

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