Sunday morning in its purest form.

On the one hand Sunday morning should be something light and airy given the fact that Saturday is a day off and de jure, the body rests but this is just de jure.

And de facto it seems that on the night between Saturday and Sunday I unloaded a car of crushed stone, with a shovel by hand, but no one paid me for it yes I checked my pockets, there was no stack of bills lol.

I once laughed at a beetle that was trying to hoist its heavy body onto the top of the grass.

It was a funny sight, the beetle looked clumsy and was about to fall off the blade of grass.

But, despite the difficulties and apparently this beetle had a Sunday morning it continued to fight gravity.

I thought that I was no worse than that beetle and, having made an effort and straightened my joints that had become stiff during the night, I trudged to the kitchen to make coffee.

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