A little lie in the huge world of gardening.

There is an old and very wise saying that says that the smallest lies give rise to big lies.

This can be seen even in such an area as gardening.

Let's imagine how a person who has never done it before begins his gardening journey.

I think that he reads literature which is extremely useful if it is literature about gardening written thirty years ago or earlier.

But then, he turns on YouTube and everything he read suddenly turns out to be incompetent unprogressive lol.

For example on YouTube he will find thousands of videos the title of which will be similar: Do like me and you will get rid of snails forever!

Yes, you can experiment with this option of fighting snails and slugs and perhaps they will leave you alone for a while but the word “forever” is a little or a big lie.

I would rather believe that ladybugs that settle on your plot of land will be able to effectively fight aphids for many years than a one-time treatment of plants with some kind of chemical.

There on YouTube, there are a lot of recommendations on how to get rid of weeds in the garden but and this can be questioned anyway every year you will need to put effort into mechanical cultivation of the plot of land.

If you put together all the little lies about gardening you get a huge snowball.

And the answer to any such lie that you can get rid of parasites in your garden once and for all is simple; the presence of coca in your house does not guarantee that you will never see a mouse or rat in your house.

By @barski

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