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Beat the Photo Contest #2: Theme Sunrise

Beat the Photo Contest #2

A quick weekend photography challenge

Can you beat my photo?

How to take part:

  • Select a photo (within the theme) you think will beat the photo below
  • Post your submission, with a short description, in the comments before midnight (CET) tomorrow.
  • Post only your own images (any mis-use will be flagged), lets keep Steemit honest!
  • Upvote other photos if you feel they've beaten my original pic
  • Monday at midnight (CET), I will gather the votes, throw in my own vote and define the winner.

Winner will be announced in my next post, where I will ultimately acknowledge defeat and give credit where it is due :)!

Hopefully a nice way to share some great photography.

Photo to Beat

Theme: Sunrise

credits: azonneveld
An amazing morning glow over the island of Koh Rong Samloem in Cambodia, always love getting up early to experience the sunrise and tranquil surroundings

Looking forward to some great submissions and a serious beating!

Good Luck

