My intro to the Hive community


Hey! I'm Alex. I found out what hive was through a groovy guy named Derangedvisions! He told me that this community was a fun environment! So I decided to join the fun and share my interests.
I love to make music and just jam out to music. The music I enjoy to write is Jazz, Classic heavy metal, Heavy metal, and much more!

I also like to take photos. I'm very new at Photography and I'm learning a lot so far. I took this photo of the sunrise at the park down my street. I tried to make it look like a ball of light just floating in the air, but it's just a really gold morning.


I've taken a few of these and I'm looking forward to take more Photos of stuff like this for when I learn more about Photography.
But as of right now I'm trying to get my music stuff finished so I can also share that with you guys. So as of right now I'll be posting about photos and telling funny stories behind the photos.


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