You wanted to leave

C fourth way Sent the third fast ... You wanted to leave ... Why talk? Why tear a ticket Not a lottery? Why do you need an
nswer? I apologize for my English. The post was made possible by Google translator

He is still wrong ... You wanted to leave ... Here is a severe sentence. From the fourth path Sent the third fast ...


C четвертого пути
отправлен третий скорый...
Ты захотел уйти...
зачем же разговоры?
Зачем терзать билет
совсем не лотерейный?
Зачем тебе ответ?
он все равно неверный...
Ты захотел уйти...
вот приговор суровый.
С четверого пути
отправлен третий скорый...



The day is tired ..

The day is tired, Wandering in the darkness, Completes the metered time. ..


Thank you for your visit.


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