Why When Sunrise and Sunset Red Visible ?

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We would often see at sunrise or sunset , when the sun rises and sets , the sky will look reddish . Why is that? why not blue like during the day? yuk refer to the explanation

At sunrise and sunset , the sky will be partially colored red. This phenomenon can be explained on the basis of light scattering by atmospheric molecules . Scattering of light by the Earth's atmosphere depends on the wavelength . For particles that are much smaller than the wavelength of light ( such as air molecules ) , the particles are not a big hurdle for wavelengths longer than for short . Reduced scattering , red and orange light scattered less than blue and purple , which is the cause of a blue sky . At sunset , on the other hand , the light beam passing through the sun 's atmosphere maximum length . Lots of blue that has been issued by scattering . The light that reaches the earth's surface means less blue , which is the reason reddish sunset .

Only blue sky during the day. There are several reasons why the sky was blue. Earth shrouded in a layer of air called the atmosphere. Although not visible, the air is actually made up of tiny particles. Light of the sun scattered by small particles in the atmosphere. But we know, the light from the sun is composed of a blend of all colors, from red, yellow, green, blue, to purple. The colors that have different frequencies. Red has a smaller frequency of yellow, smaller than the green, green is smaller than blue, blue is smaller than purple. The greater the frequency of the light, the stronger the light was scattered. The sky is partly dissipated sunlight. Because most dissipated is high frequency colors (green, blue, and purple), then the sky has a mix of colors, which when combined into a bright blue. Because many dissipated blue, the color white sun is not perfect, as it should have happened if all the colors combined. The color of the sun becomes a little bit orange. In the afternoons, often the sun turned red. At that time, the sun already slanted longer distances to reach our eyes, so that more light scattered. So that a lot remains is low-frequency light, which is red.

In the month and on the planet that does not have an atmosphere , solar light is not scattered , so the sky is always black , even in daylight . Tyndall effect may also explain why the sky is blue during the day , whereas when the sun sets on the western horizon orange or red . That is because the scattering of sunlight by colloidal particles in space , and not all frequencies sunlight dissipated with the same intensity . Therefore, the light intensity is directly proportional to the frequency , then when the sun passed over us , the higher the frequency of the lot up to our eyes , so we see the blue sky .

When the sun was about to set , light scattering whose frequency is low, that more get to us , so we watched the sky orange or red . We recall strands visible light in the spectrum of light, red - orange - yellow - green - blue - purple . From the order red to purple , the higher the frequency . So the colors red approach has a high frequency of the light , and the colors purple approach has low-light frequency .

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