Hive Philippines Street Photography #788 - by Allmonitors

#788 - Monochrome Saturday.

Greetings this weekend fellow Hiveans. It's warm as usual and the heat index made us stay under the shed all day. I had work too and at the same time also washed the laundry that has been piling up for several days now, seven to be exact. I had to wash them because tomorrow we have plans to go visit my mother in law and her siblings in the province. Late in the afternoon after my shift ended we went to the mall together with the wife and son so we can buy my son some of the clothing he needs because they have given him free air fare to go to Boracay with my mother in law. For me and the wife, we didn't have money so we will be left behind 😅. Maybe some other time in the future.

Now towards our daily shots which is in monochrome, we got here our first one showing a little boy following the lead of his mother while they walk the crowded street. He is pulling up his pants maybe it's loose and he didn't wear any belt to tighten it. His mother is holding a polkadot like umbrella. It's Sunday when shot was taken and people are the priority in the street hence no vehicle is seen in this area at all.

Next we got here a few of the many street performers and cosplayers who also are located in the center of the street waiting for a chance when people approach them for photos and hopefully will give them some tip. This is one of the ways these cosplayers earn during Sundays that's the reason those small boxes exist in front of them.

It was one afternoon and the rain 🌧️ is pouring down heavily. I caught in the frame this young man bound to climb the steps going to the overpass which the people take shelter on because it has roof. The man's shoes is definitely wet already but thanks to his umbrella for some protection.

A small alley way which people are walking by. This is beside a road which was used by jeepneys as their terminal. During rush hours, street like this one is packed with people walking. It was still early morning wherein establishments are still closed but people are up early and in the streets.

One and many. A good example wherein one part of the road is packed with people like the city itself while the other opposite side only being plied by a solo motorcycle rider like living in the province where there is peace of mind and total quietness and calmness.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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