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Is the Photo Exhibition of Jock Sturges a Confirmation of the Overton Window?

I was thinking for some time to write this post or not as I am sure there will be people who completely disagree with my point of view.

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Image Source. Here it is painted over but on the real photos it is not.

This post is a continuation of my post about the Overton Widow. The conception of the Overton Widow explains how easily we can be manipulated and the weird and absurd things become normal to us. You can read my previous post The Overton Window. How They Make us Tolerant to Amoral and Weird Things on the Example of Pedophilia.

Some days ago the photo exhibition of Jock Sturges was prohibited in Moscow. The thing is that most models are naked girls. Although it is said that in the Moscow exhibition the photos were not too provocative. I didn't visit it as it was closed but I googled and discovered that there are photos far from innocent.

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There are many more provoking and far from innocent photos. I just don't want to spread anything that in my mind borders child pornography.

There were many supporters and opponents of this exhibition. The supporters say Jock Surges is a master who just showed the beauty of how a teenager transforms into a woman. Some write you know nothing about the photographer to discuss it. First of all, for me it is enough to see his photos, the second there is information on the internet (we can not be sure it is true but...) that he had an intimate relation with a 14 year old girl. Some people write that we were born naked and it is natural to be without clothes. That all these restrictions and rules are imposed by people and they are mostly popular in Europe. They write that there is nothing more pure than a child. Look at this photo:

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It is "very innocent", isn't it? A mature naked man and a naked teenage girl are on an unmade bed.

What I can say about it. He is a really a master of photography. But when we discuss beautiful play of light and shadow think about these girls. I really worry about their future. Ask yourself, will you allow your daughter to pose for such a photo session?

I can agree with some people who write that there was too much fuss about the exhibition but the real stories about pedophiles are not that widely discussed. And even the pedophiles who had been incriminated before managed to get a job with kids after. That is really awful and the fight against pedophiles shall be made in all directions.

I see all the signs of the Overton Window here. When we read the supporters of these photos, we start thinking: "May be they are right, I am too old - fashioned and not tolerant." No, I am strictly against such photos. They are far from innocent and I will never let my daughter have such an experience and will look after her with double energy as I am sure such exhibitions will provoke many pedophiles for hunting.

Let us remain individuals who have their own points of view, let us not exchange the word pedophile into kids love, let us not to be tolerant to the weird and absurd things.

Take care of your families.

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Yours, @aksinya.