Forty Legg


I met him on the road last night. It is an animal known as "forty legg" around here. But the number of his legg was definitely more than forty. So I did a little research right away. And I found this information on Wikipedia.

"Centipedes (Diplopoda), a slow-moving, long segmented body, multi-legged class belonging to the arthropod branch. They lead with 10,000 species among 13,000 species of polypods.

It has legs from 36 to 400 in number. The centipede species with the most legs is the 750-legged Illacme plipes. Males have about 660 feet and females 750 feet." wikipedia

Although it has about 250 legs, it can move very slowly. It was a non-venomous and herbivorous animal.

I'm thinking of calling it 400 legg now. 😀

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