A Breathtaking Yucca Filamentosa - by @crazymumzysa

I could not resist taking a few photos of this beautiful Yucca filamentosa also known as Adams Needle, standing behind a picket fence with the crisp clear blue sky as background.


The Yucca makes a beautiful ornamental plant in your garden. It is a perennial, evergreen shrub and there are over 50 species. This hardy plant is native to America. You can find them in the mountains, deserts and grasslands as they can adapt to a wide range of climates.


They have thick, sword-shape leaves with very sharp tips, a waxy skin to prevent water loss which forms a basal rosette. The flower stems can grow up to 3 meters tall with masses of white-cream nodding bell like flowers. These flowers bloom only after 3 years in early spring.

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The Yucca is a very easy plant to grow because it needs very little care and water. It thrives in subtropical climates, in full sunlight and well-drained acidic soil.

Parts of this plant can be used for food (Fruit, flowers and roots), medicine and the fibers of the leaves to make rope.

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