The Trees Under the Dark Cloud

It was almost raining when I arrived at this spot. I managed to go to seashore of my childhood village to find some of nature photography objects that was occasionally giving out an awesome view during the cloudy weather . Finding these combinations objects, I rushed to get some shots before the rain touched down. Here are the results:

Saat itu hampir turun hujan ketika saya tiba di tempat ini. Saya berhasil pergi ke pantai desa masa kecil saya untuk menemukan beberapa objek fotografi alam yang kadang-kadang juga bisa memberikan pemandangan luar biasa waktu cuaca mendung. Menemukan objek kombinasi ini, saya bergegas untuk mengambil beberapa gambar sebelum hujan turun. Inilah beberapa poto yang sempat saya ambil:


These tropical fig trees are generally growing nearby the sea, they grow well on the sandy land. Here I found three different objects, abandoned pool with bushes, fig trees, and the dark cloud.


Then, I went to another spot where I just found some separated trees that stood along the sandy hill. From these short trees, I tried to adjust the background with the cloud above that was almost covering this area..

So, when I came to this spot, the sky was getting darker and the rain was on the way. After having some click I went rush home. I think, these objects can add its glamorous effect of the dark sky.
Location : Monklayu, Bireuen, Aceh Indonesia

Camera : Nikon D7000
Lens : VR II


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