Collecting sea shells on the sea shore!

Hi everyone!

I don’t know about you but it’s taking me a while to get into the swing of this year! I like taking it slow but my to do list keeps racking up and nothing seems to be ticking off! Trying not to put too much pressure on myself because I’m a mother first and foremost and raising my boys will always come first, and that alone as we know is a full time job! But it’s very hard to feel like I’ve accomplished much at the end of the day so I’m hoping that something will click soon! Reminding myself of the time we had on the beach in Scotland a few weeks back, when I’m by the sea everything else on my mind floats away and it’s just the best to see my boys enjoying it as much as me! Little Bo loved collecting shells and would have quite happily stayed here for hours and hours! Hope you all have a lovely week,

Verity x

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