Shooting Star Light - Forest Light Painting & Camera Rotation

Dreaming of another Light Painting night in the forest.

2020_11_02_Portugal (29)-2.JPG

Here are another two shots from the forest Light Painting I showed previously. The first one is simple just a sweep with the flashlight followed by the lighting of the trees. For me, that is one of the coolest shots that I got that night. Turns out to become my favorite. The shape looks like a shooting star and the raindrops on the lens gave me the flairs. At first, I was cleaning the lens all the time, then I used it as a feature to get this effect. What do you think?

The second is an F22 shot Camera Rotation Light Painting shot with a simple star in the center. Simplicity wins here.
2020_11_02_Portugal (24)-2.JPG

I hope you like my images. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.

Gunnar Heilmann Photogrpahy

If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
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