Focus Stacked Macro #196

Focus stacked image created from 51 separate shots at F4, 1/5sec, ISO200.
2020071122.38.55 ZS retouched_1.jpg
Click the image to view at higher resolution

  • Images taken with the Olympus E-M1 II and 60mm macro lens + extension tubes + 2x converter
  • Stacked with Zerene Stacker
  • Edited with Capture One and Aurora hdr

Another stacked images of the same flower
2020071211.45.05 ZS retouched_1.jpg

A stacked image of the flower buds
If you look carefully, towards the bottom right of the image, you will see the the underside of the aphid that I shot for my post yesterday.

2020071211.59.31 ZS retouched_1.jpg

And here is a single shot, taken on my phone camera of the flowers growing in my back yard.

Thanks for taking a look at my photography

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