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Anyone who want to keep your photos in North pole


------Media Artist Yongseok Oh`s Project------

Do you have any photographs that you want to keep forever?
What are the photos that you would preserve if an apocalypse were to occur?

Please send me those valuable moments.

All images received will be transformed into a special, protected medium for the future
and will also be featured during the Daegu Photo Biennale this coming September.
They will then be preserved in the most secure location on earth.

Before you send your photos, please remember that these may be the last images and memories that will be left at the end of our days.

You can forever exist in the transformed medium.
Please send me the photo of yourself that will welcome a next world.

--------How to send your photos-------
.Please scan and save your photograph(s) as a digital image file in the highest level of resolution possible. (A photograph with a still pose, with least movement/blur would be best)
.Please send along a short story of why this photograph is special to you.
Please send the two items above via email: