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Flores en el camino a casa 🌼 || Flowers on the way home 🌼


Bienvenidos amigos, en un momento de salida mientras terminaba unos asuntos, pase por los pequeños jardines que había en el trayecto, para descubrir que al parecer han florecido un buen de ejemplares, solo miren esas flores bien cuidadas y con tonos morados, me detuve un momento a verlas y pensé en capturar y subirlas a penas terminara de comer y dormir unos minutos, venia de un fuerte sol que me estaba secando los sesos mientras me quedaba ahí, mi sensación de que hoy iba a ser un día con un muy fuerte sol era totalmente acertada amigos.

Welcome friends, in a moment of departure while I was finishing some business, I passed by the small gardens that were on the way, to discover that apparently a good number of specimens have bloomed, just look at those well-kept flowers with purple tones, I stopped for a moment to see them and thought of capturing and uploading them as soon as I finished eating and sleeping a few minutes, I was coming from a strong sun that was drying my brains as I stood there, my feeling that today was going to be a day with a very strong sun was totally right friends.

A veces me gusta pararme a observar como florecen cosas en lugares sospechosos, en sitios donde normalmente la plantas fallecen, o en jardines cuidados, muestras de mucha diligencia y amor por la madre tierra y sus plantas pintorescas, creo que mis vecinos tiene un poco de eso, de amor a lo natural amigos. ¿Que creen ustedes?
Sometimes I like to stop and observe how things bloom in suspicious places, in places where normally the plants die, or in manicured gardens, signs of great diligence and love for mother earth and its picturesque plants, I think my neighbors have a little of that, love of nature friends. What do you think?