Life or extinction of the human // Knowledge, knowing will make a difference, philosophical reflection.



Human beings since our pregnancy are endowed with innumerable capacities which facilitate learning, some of them are represented by our sensory senses, despite the fact that the human being is born very helpless if we make the comparison with the animal kingdom, those born with great skills as instincts, as well as innate skills, we depend on a long period of upbringing, so it is necessary and vital for the human to accelerate the learning process at any level, that depends on knowledge, knowledge, to obtain wisdom, this is what has taken us to where we are today, but really, how many people have the awareness of why we should learn throughout our existence on the planet? or could we continue to ask ourselves questions such as, have some of us ever wondered if our school education is really useful or at any level by setting an example?

The human species is the one that controls the world in our actuality, it is so much so that the other species depend on the good conscience (will) of the human being to cohabit with such a species, but if we stop obtaining knowledge, that is, knowing Through wisdom, this characteristic is inherited by philosophy, could we continue as the dominant species on this planet?


The wisdom that we have obtained through the philosophical interpretation of the things and events that surround humanity, has represented the tool of greatest confidence and determination for the behavior of every human being on this planet and beyond that affirmation has allowed us to evolve to unsuspected levels even by ourselves.

The human conscience is one of the characteristics most studied by us because of its great importance in terms of the wise coexistence both among us and with other species, I share the idea of those who think that according to our conscience so will our tranquility in this planet. That is why before addressing the question initially raised is essential to assess the conceptualization of human consciousness, as I consider it proportional to the success referred to the growth and development of our society.

Our children (as) constantly remind us of the philosophical nature of consciousness, they are small beings who in our actuality have become the true geniuses of understanding both their environment as well as the technological and scientific development of our day, despite, of a general understanding of their academic preparation the way they adsorb the ideas and approaches of human development is exceptional, in them we see reflected each of the knowledge obtained by man during his career in this land.

Of course, when we have awareness or more about our lives, it is even easier to respond to such an approach, but in spite of the fact that anyone can reach maturity in behavior and consciousness, we could say that he could automatically assess his academic stage at any level, or depend on the events that for one reason or another occur to him in his journey through life.

Humanity will be bound to know throughout its permanence on this planet to be able to exist and to continue to develop more and more, in recent decades thanks to technological advances the human species has expanded its interest in knowing and realizing that it will always be necessary to obtaining knowledge, also being clear that the path to wisdom was designed by the beautiful instrument of philosophy which brings us closer and closer until we fall in love with knowledge in general terms, so that we could respond to our first approach that I think in Nowadays, humanity, for the most part, is very clear that its greatest need is to obtain knowledge in the different areas or environments in which we find ourselves, since we have been able to verify one of the great principles defended by humanity to see to believe, and by obtaining knowledge we have felt, seen and lived our great advances of the hand of knowledge and knowledge, advances that have given us stability and social prosperity.

Every person in his beginnings believes unnecessary his academic formation, this always goes tied to the social and cultural aspect of a certain society, that is to say, the interest to learn of an individual will reside in seeing what type of society has, therefore, if the It transmits growth and development especially in the technological and scientific aspects these aspects will encourage them and help them assess their academic training for the simple fact of living surrounded by any kind of welfare thanks to the study of any phenomenon that is part of our environment , with this we can contribute to the response of our second approach, from a vision and philosophical interpretation.

The hope of humanity will always be placed on the shoulders of the knowledge obtained, therefore, at the same time that humanity is no longer interested in obtaining knowledge, this will mark the end of our days as a dominant species and even as a living species of This very complex planet, but I think that the only way that humanity is no longer interested in knowing, knowing is because it no longer exists and therefore is no longer part of this world called planet earth, because whenever it has life it will have enormous eager to learn and be filled with all the possible wisdom.


Beyond the great challenges that humanity has faced, we find the imperative need to obtain knowledge from the human species for the simple and only reason to keep us alive and standing up to fight against any phenomenon that throughout our history we have had to face and very firmly, but the main key has always been to be able to get to know the different phenomena that make life in our environment, however, despite obtaining valuable knowledge we still have a long way to go, and that all knowledge acquisition brings us a greater challenge and it is not another that is how to use it correctly.

All those people who have preceded us in our history have formed different types of knowledge with different conceptions, framed according to the stage or historical moment that we have lived as humanity, these stages have brought us to where we are today and with what that we have shaped our societies, but increasingly convinced that the true path to our existence is the acquisition of knowledge through many tools which undoubtedly nurtured and grew thanks to the contributions of philosophy, this will allow us to live or extinguish of this planet.


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