Do You Have Enemies? Congratulations!

It's not normal to only have friends. For that matter, it's not normal to not have any enemies. It just isn't. ALL of humanity's brightest minds, peacemakers, heroes, scientists, explorers, inventors and so on, had dedicated haters.

Heck, even Jesus had tons of enemies; you know, the ones who crucified him. Socrates had enemies too; you know, the ones who ''poisoned" him to death. Do I need to keep going on and on with the examples or you're getting the point by now? Yep, it's a GOOD thing to have enemies; it means you're doing something RIGHT!

Having enemies doesn't mean you're a douchebag! Not necessarily at least. So, don't worry if some peeps hate you or your work for no apparent reason; they are just jealous and envious of you. Deep inside they wish they were you. Your personality is so intense and extraordinary that you leave no other choice to people but to either admire you or hate you! And that's a GREAT thing!

It also means that you're true to yourself! One of the things life has taught me is that honesty is like fire. We all admire its seductive view, but very few are willing to "feel" its heat in our own skin. You may meet people who will encourage you to be brutally honest with them, but once you do it, you will see an immediate change of the heart. Why? Because the truth is not easy to be handled; especially by narrow-minded people with immature personalities and/or weak minds!

So, are you willing to be "liked" for what you pretend to be? Or you prefer to be disliked for what you truly are? Do you want to be liked by some and hated by others, admired by some and envied by others? Or to swallow your dignity and go unnoticeable enough to never make any haters in life? After all, the lions are lions and the sheep are just sheep. Hasn't this be the case for a few thousand years now?

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