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Hive. The People's Blockchain.

Twitter. I made the mistake of waking up and checking Twitter. Most of you know it takes my brain approximately three hours to start functioning at 5%. If I am lucky, I am up and running at 60% brain power about six hours later.

A Tweet caught my eye because it had a photo of someone I admire on it. She is a bubbly, positive, and wacky person that many love to be around.

I was stopped short while reading the Tweet. It wasn't her Tweet but a person on Hive upset about a post they found which sounded interesting to them. Unfortunately, they would have to watch a video to get the full story.

The statement was made that only written words belonged as a post on Hive.

I sighed.

My brain begged me not to start typing.

I read the comments under the Tweet while having my first cigarette and diet coke of the day. A discussion was had under the Tweet while I was sleeping like the dead, it did not solve anything. To me, it left more questions than answers.

The person's profile photo, that made the Tweet, looked normal enough to take what he was talking about seriously. Needless to say, I did not agree with what he had Tweeted. I groaned and prayed my brain cells would forgive me as I wrote a comment on their Tweet.

After an hour of back and forth comments, by a bunch of people under the Tweet, it came down to The Tweeter not wanting to see Hive turn into a place where people posted just for a money grab. That short meme videos did not belong on Hive. The post he had clicked on wasn't a meme video just so we are clear.

While short meme videos or memes, in general, are not my cup of tea they are popular with a lot of people. Just because I don't like a form of media doesn't mean there isn't a time and place for it. Some millionaires make their living on memes.

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PewDiePie's LWIAY 8.1.20 or 1.8.20

Another, more important point, was how hard it is to find posts to read on Hive. One suggestion was brought up that it would be nice to have tabs with headings in the form of, Video, Written, Meme, and so on.

I made the point that I have a hard time finding posts from people I follow too. If you post in a Hive Community your post doesn't show up on your main blog page. If your post doesn't show up there, it doesn't show up in my followers' feed unless you reblog it to your page.

I follow many diverse people. There is no way I am going to go through all the communities on Hive looking for the people I follow so I can read their posts. I do not have time for that. I would be surprised if anyone has time for that.

Communities are a great way to grow together as a group.

The downside is it also makes your posts have less exposure unless you reblog it to your main page.

We use to have great places to go like #PYPT (Pimp Your Post Thursday) that @Shadowspub did every Thursday in the AM and PM. You could hear from the authors about their posts and why they shared what they did.

It was also a great way to hear people you admire speak about daily life. Have a few laughs........Okay, more than a few, and go about your day in a much better mood.

Unfortunately, #PYPT is on a break until further notice.

There are also people like me who post a gaming video at the top of my blog and write about life issues under that gaming video. If a 'tab' system was made how would a post that has both video and words be categorized?

I am just happy after writing that sentence I am not a coder.

The discussion, even with me NOT awake, was a great one to have. It is always eye-opening to see how other people feel about a place I call home. I have been told I see the world through rose-colored glasses when it comes to Hive. I am okay with that description.

I know what the blockchain has given to me over the years. I know how much I have grown and been hurt too from being here. There are times I felt like leaving but I never have. Hive is the one place I can be just me. I can be involved as much as I want or as little in the day to day running of Hive.

I have made true friends here that I know have my back in all things. I learned to write, make videos, make music, and poems. No one can take that away from me. I will stand up for anyone that wants to try something new on this blockchain. As long as you do not hurt others you are not harming anyone by posting what has meaning to you.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you but it might save a life.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated