You're Special-not-Special, just like everyone else

Everyone is special-not-special. Everyone has those times where we feel on top of the world. Some of us experience that feeling more than others, but that is more likely due to excelling in a subject, or many subjects, more frequently than your peers. But that feeling never lasts. We, as humans, yearn for more, to be better, to do different things, and to have new experiences. It keeps us entertained in this roller coaster we call "life".

The fact is, no matter how good you think you are, there is someone better. Notice how World Records are broken every year? That's because there is always going to be someone better than the last. It feels great to be the best, and it's great for your ego and self-confidence. Many people, however, seem to let this go to their head, and they really believe they are superior individuals. The problem with that, is that they may be the best at ONE thing, but terrible at a cornucopia of different skills and subjects, or have severe mental, physical, emotional conditions. In the grand scheme of things, they are only "ok". Everyone has their shortcomings, but some people are just better at hiding them than others.

There was a time in my life where I was bombarded with compliments. I heard them so much that I actually believed that I was as awesome as everyone was telling me; however, one of my best friends would never skip a beat to humble someone, including me. Whenever I received a large amount of compliments at once to the point it was visibly showing on my face, he would chime in "Woah Woah Woah, he's ok." It was obviously in a sarcastic manner, and he would do this to a lot of people (and we started saying it to him), but it was all in good fun. He and I were the kind of friends, where if something was screwed up with one of us, we'd point it out and fix it. In which case, he pointed out my negative qualities, or what he perceived to be negative (some of the qualities I liked about myself), and give me advice on improving myself. This made me realize how much room for improvement I have. This made me realize how much room for improvement everyone has.

Everyday I strive to be a better person. That's not a unique goal. I am not the first person to have it, nor will I be the last. Someone else is trying to get better everyday, and possibly progressing faster or slower than I am, which is completely irrelevant in my life. I still lack certain skills, and excel in other things. I suck at mechanics, but I know computers very well. Depending on my location in the world, one of those skill sets are more desirable than the other. But the Earth on a large scale, has a place for those skills somewhere. One of them is not better than the other, they are equally a piece of the machine. So, at the end of the day, no matter how great you think you are, you are just a necessary piece of the puzzle in life, just like everyone else.

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