~*~Quinn's Choice Quote of the Day #7: "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I can change." Carl Rogers~*~

Greetings Steemians!

I give you today's edition (#7) of choice quotes in hopes to inspire and bring real value to life~

I really love this quote because it brings empowerment through responsibility. 

The truth is that in order to change, one must accept what is. One must accept one's self and the "mistakes," "failures," or "sins" in honesty. Yet a lot of people either pretend, deny, justify, or lie in order to not face that darkness. There is no way to change when operating this way. 

Many others are aware of it but then feel guilty or ashamed, getting trapped in cycles of doubt and judgement.  Neither of these are healthy or sustainable perspectives for a happy & successful life. 

I have found that it is quite a paradox because I must accept what is regardless of if it is "good" or "bad," and that means being aware of what is and that it is not any other way. Yet in order to change, I must also be aware there is a better way and commit to embodying that...So it is a paradox because WANTING to change something is not "good" and brings a lot of resistance to what is. So the balance in the paradox is to be able to accept/be at peace with what is, rather than deny or be ashamed, while simultaneously focusing on the upgrade/solution/ideal of what could be and be dedicated to that. 

Judgement of others and/or the self is a killer, as is being in denial. Being able to look at one's self objectively is key. Many find it difficult to look at others objectively, let alone one's self!  This is often much harder than to look objectively at someone else.

When one is able to achieve this balance, change becomes almost constant, and life is improved each day~*~

I hope you find value in this potent post and I appreciate your support and feedback!

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