Qualia - Everyone Sees The World Differently


We experience the world and that is more than just processes in the brain, it is contents of consciousness. However, the subjective experience content of a mental state can neither be captured through measurements nor expressed through words. Everything feels different for everyone in a certain way when we experience something.

This is called Qualia. This can be well represented by the example of colors. An object is not objective. Blue color does not really exist in the world. The impression of color is actually created in the brain. And precisely because this is so, we could never be sure that your red is also my red.

Colors are created in the brain by different wavelengths of light. In childhood we learn which color has which name. We assign a certain name to a certain color experience.

But how should i know that your experience of red is the same as my experience of red? The answer is: not at all. That is impossible to know. We have no access to the experience of other people. We are actually completely alone in our perception of the world. The psyche of others is unattainable for us. And also the objective reality is unattainable for us. Something that is experienced as outside and independent of one is only as it is for one, because the brain makes it appear so. And one consideration we also have to draw attention to is that there may be no real look of things.

In order to have my sight, there must always be a looking one and he always sees with his subjective instruments, his senses.

In this picture you can only see black spots of different shapes and sizes, right?

But then, once you have seen this second picture here,


you suddenly recognize in the previous picture what it shows. The chaos of black spots suddenly becomes a meaningful structure. Only by the memory of the other picture.

And surely you also know the pictures in which two or more different things can be recognized. These pictures show you how subjective the things are. Everyone first sees something else, what his brain und subjetive view show him.
Although the outer stimuli of course do not change, our perception and our experience is different. Our brain creates our reality and only to this reality we have access.

We experience things outside of us, although they arise in us in our brains, for everyone different. It is not easy to become aware of this.

The question that arises naturally is, how does this experience arise?

Is it due to the complex arrangement of matter, i.e. a materialistic explanation?

Or is consciousness perhaps the basis for everything at all?

I'd like to know what you think about.


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