Philosophy: #1- What is Happiness? {@nehachauhan Original Work)}

What is Happiness?


As any customary living beings, that we are, all we really care about is to achieve happiness for oneself and for our loved ones.

Am I fallacious in claiming that? Am I over simplifying the matter? Or is there something more to this than meets the eye?

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room and that is what is happiness? And in my opinion, the only palpable answer to this very pertinent question is that, there can’t be a clear “Right” or “Wrong” answer for this. I wouldn’t blame you if you have already started judging me, after all the convoluted and contradictory statements I have made so far. Let me elucidate you as to why, in my opinion, happiness cannot be defined and there is no fixed standard or a stencil to gauge someone’s level of happiness, solely based on certain external parameters.

Have you seen any infants till date? I am sure you have. And what do they want from this world? All they want to do the whole day is to get their share of milk and a whole lot of sleep. That’s all they want. For that age, won’t that be the most amazing and satisfying thing for them! If only they could speak, which they in-fact do, in the form of crying, wouldn’t they say “Mumma give me milk as I am drowsy & hungry”. How easy it is to give an infant his/her share of happiness.


As they grow a little to become a toddler, their needs change, their wants change and so does their outlook towards happiness. Now also they want milk, but the milk needs to be of a certain flavor, based on individual’s preference, and must be accompanied with their favorite spoon. Flavor of the milk and the spoon to go along with are still secondary, now the most important thing, which really makes them happy, is the lap of their mothers which can turn any ordinary tasting food/milk a delicacy.


A Nintendo can sky rocket the happiness of a ten year old boy, whereas the same gaming console might not appeal to a girl of same age. At the same time, give her a Barbie and see the adulation on her face.

As per my observation, I have found that the most underprivileged kids are the happiest lot, as for them, a cheap wooden scooter is good enough to give them wings, to fly. And on the contrary, one might never be able to satisfy the wishes of the extremely privileged ones. Even the most expensive toys carry no weightage, since they take them for granted and look for something else to please them. The sense of contentment is what gives those poor kids happiness which cannot be bought or traded for the most superlative toys.


According to you which one of the two families is a happy family? The first one with humble background but still they have each other to look after. They believe in celebrating small victories and like to spend time together. Or the second one, in which the members lead an extravagantly lavish life, no less than an emperor, and yet don’t have time for each other. All they possess are the materialistic pleasures, but are they really happy from within?

And if you were to ask me, seeing the sunset from my balcony is happiness. Dancing in rains while humming my favorite song is happiness. Reading a book in my bed, while having a hot cup of chocolate milk is happiness. Staring at flowers while whiffing their aromatic fragrance is happiness. Taking a stroll in the park, all by myself is happiness. Talking with my bestie for hours on the phone is happiness. And utmost imperative of them all, getting to live my life with my near and dear ones is happiness.


In short, there is no clear thumb rule that can make a person happy. For me, happiness is a feeling that can’t be explained in words. It’s a state of mind and the earlier we realize that the merrier we get.

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