---- Man Discovers he is an NPC, You might be too... -----


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So after a talk with @bobaphet in the comments of one of his posts we got into the concept of the holographic universe and some of its implications. One of these implications was the possibility of the virtual reality/ matrix realm we live in being occupied by NPC's (Non Playable Characters), like in a video game. This was put forward as some of the reasoning for some of the ridiculous things people do , in this case it was Stupid Clumps, but this kind of behavior stretches well beyond just one kind of action.

There are many strange and odd behaviors which van be observed if we look at the hooman condition,this could indicate that there may very well be NPC's among us, lolz. What is interesting is that this article (linked with the top image) states that a man came to the realization that he himself was an NPC. This came up in my feed after the discussion.... coincidence or the algorithms that spy on us doing the best work? you decide, lolz.

There have been many a great mind which have recently speculated that "IF" we do exist in a simulated universe that the artificial intelligence within these universes would be "so good" that the AI would believe that they are real, meaning the NPC's would not be able to distinguish themselves as being "not real".

So what does this mean for the world if this man CAN recognize that he is a NPC ? is our simulated environment now on the brink of falling apart because this AI has recognized that they are not "real"? Is this an indication that the AI is advancing at such an incredible rate that it is now becoming self aware? Should we fear the Skynet scenario ? is it a glitch in the matrix that will be patched with the next update ? are these updates what create the Mandela Effect?

Many good questions to be asking at this point in the article, but then we come to the realization that while the simulated universe, holographic universe and many other theories, while legitimate in the fact that they are beig studied as possibilities of our existence , have no "evidence" to support or refute the validity of this theory. In layman terms it means its neither here nor there....

What i believe is that the he fact that this guy believes he is an NPC has more to do with the current state of what society deems as acceptable behavior, filling the quota of societal norms , the hooman condition, being a creature of habit and quite a number of philosophical and psychological constructs. We are conditioned to act and respond this way in our lives, to be certain people, do certain things.... being unhappy with the understanding of who you are and what you do is a mechanism to facilitate change, to become better than just another cog in the machine..... if you dont like what you see in yourself, you can live with it or change it.... its up to you.

If you come to the realization that you too are an NPC, repeating the same things expecting different results, being the background person in another persons story, then you have take the first step in the process. That is, realizing there is an issue in the first place. From this point forward the options are limitless to what we can shift our state of consciousness to, we can also choose to stay the same. so... what will it be ?

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