What is a logiczombie?

So I found this account @logiczombie and saw the contest it was running, which is over now.
But because I was invited to also write about my interpretation of the word and cuz I really like the word, I'm now also taking part! ;)

As already mentioned this is my interpretation of the word! ;)



In my opinion logic is something everyone is born with. It's one of the fundamental principles in ur head. Because you have logic is, you can learn. Especially from mistakes. ;)

A Logiczombie is someone who still has logic, but whose logic (not brain ;)) is rotten / fundamentally flawed / hijacked by modern society. (for example authority bias, or every other bias..)

A good example are so called NPCs. They're completely logic dead and just run after hypes and also just parrot what's political correct/ accepted at the moment.
You could also call em logiczombies.

Also everyone knows these people who you're arguing with, who loose, and then just stand up again, like a fucking zombie, with the same fucking logic, and repeat with what they've just lost the argument..
Cuz their mind can't understand ur logic or didn't even listen (cuz they had to block it in their mind) and therefore you're wrong! ;)

You have to adapt ur logic to the logiczombie's logic to then make him/her understand.

It's like a completely new perspective for them. If they can or want to follow ur logic.. bust most just block where their flawed logic ends. And the whole discussion is just a mess about fundamentals.
I try to build a bridge in these cases. I need some fundamentals we both agree on and on which I can logically build my way to my opinion. To make it understandable.

There are also some great memes about investing normies out there. And because they're applying their flawed logic onto markets. They loose. Or even think the markets always move in the different direction than they've placed their order.
I've also faked one of these memes.. ;)

People that simply just stopped thinking for themselves.
Sadly they're everywhere. I would also call most scientists logiczombies. Cuz they just accept paradigms and waste their time, work, interest. Let themselves be exploited..

Most logiczombies also don't like philosophy cuz they think it's just wasted time thinking about nothing or shit.. (probably they only know it like that - should prop up their game a bit.. :D)

What is ur interpretation of the word 'logiczombie'?

Hope you liked it. :)


here are some additional steem logic zombie like memes! ;) made by @freebornangel


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