Down and Out

There comes a time in our lives when something’s got us feeling down and out. It can be something truly serious or something seemingly mild. Perception is, as they say, everything. And the only perception that matters is that of your own. It could be a death or serious illness of a loved one. It could be the wrenching of the heart that comes with unrequited loved. Perhaps chronic un or underemployment has got you down. It doesn’t really matter what’s got someone feeling down and out. The only thing that matters is that’s how they are feeling. So don’t belittle or discount someone’s hurt. Instead we can be forces of positive action. The gift of showing someone else that you care or even just acknowledging their pain can pave the road to healing. We don’t need to set out to solve someone’s problems for them. In fact, just letting them know you are here and you care is enough. The greeting below is written from many years of life experience, first hand and otherwise. When someone you know is feeling down and out, why not reach for a pen and let them know you care.


Feeling Down and Out

When the weight of the world bears down on your shoulders,

Know that you are not alone.

When life’s cruel realities reveal themselves and cut deep,

Realize that in time all wounds will heal.

When your luck has run out,

Understand that nothing lasts forever, even bad fortune.

When people are mean,

Smile at those that glow with kindness, their radiance will warm your heart.

When you are struggling and can’t go on any longer,

I will be there to carry your load.

When you simply need a friend,

I will never be far away.

Free In Thought –

Free In Thought - 2016

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