Is there a ‘right’ way to interpret wisdom? We each can only interpret up to our own level of understanding, to our own ‘depth of field’. Does it make sense then to punish others for seeing things differently than us? I have a suggestion – let’s laugh instead of fight!

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Some of you may remember my earlier post about becoming the director, although not a film director, of King’s Tower Productions, an independent film production company that I have been involved with, in one way or another, since high school. As we transition into our next project, I will work with other company leaders to make the right decisions for an independent company that is trying to swim among the giants of the film industry. Our biggest challenge will be to get noticed by people that did not also go to high school with us.

Since this is my personal blog, you'll get to hear a bit about that too ;p Any experiences, advice, help or anecdotes you want to give me? Share it in the comments!

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There is great wisdom in the world, many great books have been written by many deep and wise spiritual leaders throughout the ages. We should probably read them. But the next step, interpretation, where all the beauty and wisdom is housed, can sometimes go wrong. Sometimes people can become convinced that if others do not interpret things in the very same way, or read the very same book, then others are wrong, and may even need to be punished.

Whereas I can say that my interpretation is one of love, acceptance, forgiveness, openness and joy, others may disagree. Disagree with me!? Don’t worry, I'll just smile, and maybe laugh ;p

@likedeeler posted a very interesting quote that he claimed was from John McLaughlin. I have found no evidence of this on the internet so I will credit it to @likedeeler

Whenever God comes and gives a new religion to mankind,
immediately the devil comes and makes a church out of it.

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So how can we talk about these very sensitive issues? Our own interpretations on the meaning of life, what could be more personal than that?

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Batman & Jesus

Batman & Jesus is a new movie by Kings Tower Productions, which premiered September 30th.

Now for some of you these previous images might be getting close to being offensive. I get it. I was very reluctant to support this movie for a long time because I was afraid of where its message was heading. I urged the director, my friend Jozef K. Richards, to not tread the worn path of Zeitgeist Atheism and to beware leaving the audience with nothing of substance.

Nothing of substance, what do I mean? I mean that atheism tends to leave a big gaping hole where spirituality is supposed to be. Telling people everything they believe is wrong-headed does not do much to advance the conversation about what is RIGHT and TRUE.

So I urged him not to do that. I said that in his discussion of Jesus as a myth, he needed to make sure he made it past the ‘debunking’ and came full circle to how important mythos is for our own wisdom and understanding.


Here is a quote from said movie director, J.K. Richards, about the reception of the movie at its premiere–

On September 30 we premiered at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee to a full house and the response was overwhelmingly positive. I’ve been making films for 15 years now and the feedback I received that night was the best I’ve ever experienced.

700 people saw the premiere and the reactions were priceless. We have succeeded in making a movie that breeches the subject of personal interpretation, inviting people to take those next steps. The steps that it takes to learn the acceptance neccessary to love your neighbor like a brother, what ever label he may wear in this life.

You see, I believe that God gave us laughter to protect ourselves from our own thin skins! Humor, then, is a tool to stop intolerance in the world.


In the year of our Lord 325 the First Council of Nicaea was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine to create a uniform Christain Doctrine.

Batman & Jesus creates the First Council of the Bat, where Batman and comic book experts and academics come together from across Bat-dom to create a uniform Batman Doctrine.

Though surely the weight of only a single correct interpretation (and death be to heretics!) was what caused the many major schisms of christianity, one can only laugh at the idea of a uniform interpretation of batman and the resulting 'Batman heresies' as a logical conclusion.


In reading related articles on steemit, I came across a comment by @diabolika on this article by @andrewmarkmusic that said:

It seems that there are so many kinds of Gods and heavens to go to, I'm not even sure which one is the right.

It certainly can seem that way when we hear people talk! But we can never, through the multiplicity nor the duplicity of words, lose sight of the fact that there is only one reality, only one hard and fast truth that, like a diamond, sits firmly in the center of all our analysis and perceptions and perspectives.


Batman & Jesus is currently raising funds to promote itself though a presale on Indiegogo. Head over to check out the trailers, more pictures and some behind the scenes shots, and maybe buy yourself a copy!

If anyone would like to help me transform SBD donations and purchases to the fiat that indiegogo recognizes, or knows how that is normally done, please let me know!

If the word myth offends you, remember that MYTHOS is one of the most powerful things human beings have ever created, rivalling the internet and yes, even the blockchain.

Love and Light!

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