Is There a ‘Literal’ Good and Evil?

The subject matter of "good vs bad or evil" has always fascinated many because society cannot survive without codes of conduct but what is happening to our world today is clearly the sign that something, the way we see nature and our fellow humans, has gone terribly wrong.

We are not talking of children that have misdiagnosed and turned out being adult psychopaths here but the fact that our so-called codes of conduct are the root cause of our civilization's miseries. Now this said, most cases of sociopathy and psychopathy are the inexorable byproducts of our erroneous societal premises and fallacies. Without going too far down the rabbit hole, it is also quite noticeable that the top 0.1% is too bred to continue the enforcement of servitude. They represent a despicable evil.

And the very reason why is easy to grasp: our codes of conduct are simply and entirely inadequate. The difference between good and bad/evil is actually too kinda easy to understand, the difficulty rather lies in how to facilitate good actions so that the bad or evil can be avoided, but also knowing bad/evil and good are an inescapable duality (or polarity) and will therefore require our vigilance forever.

One thing is certain though: the incomprehension of this Polarity Principle is the root of all bad and evil and exposes the deep failure of man-made laws because none of them really prevents anything. Our laws are rather designed to address the matter "AFTER" the facts, hence why any criminal mind will always take a chance.

The education of our children is the only way to ensure a more peaceful society.

We cannot get rid of the bad/evil because they exist to guide our path toward the 'Truth Of All Good'. But Good manifests itself when we accept that all our actions have to be geared toward the protection of life. Our destiny is to accept the stewardship of the planet. Each of us.

We have to act benevolently and directly in our neighborhoods while staying alert and ready to investigate the cause of any detrimental side effects and share our findings with others. Life cannot be perfect but adopting this 'Zen Mindset' is utterly essential.

Fear is ultimately another component when thrown into the mix, condoning more bad/evil as it seriously limits the cognitive potential of emotional intelligence since we have to rely on intuition to tap into the energy field of Consciousness.

We definitely suggest that we read "The Morality of the Universe" if not done yet, and explaining why Good cannot depend on Moral Relativism but Natural Laws.

But what is the difference between bad and evil, would you ask?

Bad is the consequence of ignorance when something happens as the direct result of negligence. Though it may take some time to realize that because knowledge has to be acquired to remedy the situation.

Bad becomes evil when there is a failure to act systematically upon it. And that is where we're at. We're faced with centuries of inaction that are today inflicting a great evil and never addressed by world lawmakers over the centuries. And this means that the solutions they pedal will just fuel more of the same because our history timeline clearly shows that an ever-increasing mass control is what we are geared into.

We do not need to examine countless conspiracy facts to see this, at best our lawmakers tell us about their agenda, and paradoxically, anybody pointing to this ordeal is quickly dismissed as a "conspiracy nutcase" for citing that very agenda whose details are widely available.

This is the absolute evidence that the planet is in the grip of a despicable evil. The ruling ideology has seized the "covid crisis" to usher the last stage of its totalitarian agenda using the "fear of death", and to the point that eventually we'll need a vaccine certificate to leave our house and work. While the situation is pretty blatant, this how has always worked that very despicable evil.

The fear of the invaders has been a recurrent theme throughout humanity's history. But this time it is a virus. An invader that cannot be seen with the naked eye. We should always remember that any centralized implementation being the result of fear is designed to erode our sovereignty.

That 2020 Bill Ackman story is a good example of what is happening when fear takes over. People dumped their shocks when they heard that "hell was coming" and Ackman rake up a fortune, 2 billion dollars more precisely, using naked short-selling. We read this week about GameShop and hedge funds that lost $70 billion as investors ganged up against Wallstreet insiders. But we are against competition in any shape or form and any laws encouraging it.

So guess WHO benefits as we speak? Big Pharma without a doubt. This despicable evil has been hijacking science for over a century already by just enforcing and multiplying "conflicts of interest" as explained by the industry insider, Dr. Jason Fung. The corruption is so dire that only a few really dare speak out. Fung is surely risking his life exposing what is really going on.

But as we see it, the truth is gaining ground, even Naomi Wolf is too taking a look into the validity of PCR testing and the shocking evidence that these tests are completely unreliable. What many of us knew already but it is just encouraging to see the news spreading into a more mainstream arena.

Long story short, we'll conclude by saying that any decision initiated by the fear of losing, one's life or/and possessions, is going to translate into more despicable evil.

This is just how Natural Laws are working and they are ultimate. So yes it is really time to ponder a different societal future, assuming that we'll be capable to remedy that very institutionalization of fear. Because that is where monetarism fits in as it is the tool to keep that fear alive and kicking -- because the system wants us to constantly chase it.

The future will tell if humanity can evolve beyond the fear of being born and life cycles telling us that the physical is limited but needed to improve our very soul experience. We have pondered such matters for years now and are convinced that there is no other valid explanation.

Make no mistake: we are here to learn about fear and why it is impeding individual sovereignty. Materialism is just a massive distraction that has done wonders so far... but something "BIG" must be given up and change now.


Bill Ackman turned a net profit of more than $2 billion on Monday after he sold his bets against the market less than one week after warning CNBC that “hell is coming”

Big Pharma is abusing patents, and it’s hurting Americans | September 13, 2019

Dr. Jason Fung: Financial Conflicts of Interests and the End of Evidence-Based Medicine (2019)

PCR Lab Visit: Whistleblowers Kevin McKernan, Bobby Malhotra Explain Why COVID Tests are "Garbage" With Naomi Wolf

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