Was Marx's philosophy his own or can we say we will talk about marxisitc philosophy?

Karl Marx was namely a great philosopher, justifyingly talking about his philosophy just as we talk about Hegel's or Kant's. Let us just talk about philosophy for it itself cannot and should never owned by anyone, it is for all to use and understand.

This realisation is important, for Marx's philosophy is utterly radical, while in our current time the 2016 when we want to talk about him we mostly associate him with Stalin and Maybe even Tito from the ex Jugoslavia, like they would have something in common. In truth they had absolutely nothing in common, even Tito said to Stalin in harsh tone: "NO!"

Then the so called iron man Josip Visarjonovič tried to take socialism into his own hands and made a mess out of it.

Marxistic philosophy does not exist, and it never shall, but he himself (Marx) is in our days more important than ever was to the philosophers, but let us be honest to our selves, not just them. Let us ask ourselves why is that. The anwser is namely that he was a special kind of philosopher, he represented a beginning, over and over again. Let us not think the Marx was a helpless man for he had to start anew over and over again with the problems he faced. The truth as a matter of fact is the opposite. Marx and Hegel highlighted their entire lives that every human being that lives in this word is rational and thus completely understandable. Thus in this world there is nothing that a man should not be able to understand, meaning that rationality of the world is bound with new beginnings, another name for this beginning is revolution.

Marx was utterly not interested in the rational idea of the revolution such as a new beginning of life in a social environment. Therefore the only rational and real thing of value in this world for him is revolution itself. All other things are less rational and less important. Similarly the proletariat is a universal social class which means that all other classes - historically taken - are far less important for the betterment of this world we all live in. All other classes are also less important because Marx simply believes that the proletarians live more or less with no illusions of this world. Of course Marx was not stupid thus we have to understand his trail of thought carefully: the proletarians can be without illusions, but only if they try only a little bit.

They (the proletarians) have to do only a tiny bit of work, for they live in a world that the material and ideological conditions of their lives are such, that they understand what drives them on and what and how this effects their consciousness. They simply cannot live indifferent and pretend that the world is beautiful and full of appealing events, for them that does simply not exist. And it would be wrong to change that, for we need them more then we think. We need someone to tell us that our thoughts about our own life can be missguided and have their foundation on lies and illusions. One can be amazed at how many illusions we can destroy within ourselves just by listening to the proletarians and in the end come to understand the world in a completely new concept and understanding, thus being able to know what must be done for the improvements of this sad and twisted world that we all love in one way or another.

We are fortunate and saddened that now more than ever we have more proletarians, it is not a coincidence that the people protest on every corner of the world for the rest of the 99% of the human population. Today we can clearly see that capitalism has to produce and accumulate endless lines of illusions, hollow convictions, ambiguous moral and religious hypocrisy, false hopes, etc. for the proletarians have a force to be reckoned with in their hands. Capitalism ironically needs it right there where it is strongest, thus the people must believe it. Profoundly.

What happens when the 99% of the human population is no longer ready to believe any longer? Marx told us what, a revolution which is the only rational thing in this world. If we read Marx with careful thought discipline the effect is immediate, we in the late 2016 spend way too much time with nothing really important, that we live in parallel virtual - cybernetic lives, this is why the capitalism has all the might reigning over us. People namely still believe and sadly even they want to believe him. But not all. Optimism is thus real and tangible alongside productive and practical. Thus revolution still possible.

With this vocabulary we can clearly see that the modern man (and woman, like i said in previous post that i do not want to exclude anyone) is not aware with what the capitalism has its grip on us. Shall we name some things to clarify: uncertainty of jobs, jurisdictional fetishisem, management of human resources, objectification of the trade market, social anemia and complete anonymity of the individual, alienation, exploitation of workers, technological rationality, neutralization of lives and history and society.

But we still cannot shake pessimism. Actually Marx himself took care of it to be implemented into his works and said that realisation and understanding the Truth (in capital for i think it has a bigger meaning) all ready includes the critic of ideological practices and commodity fetishism. Does anyone notice that the children in schools do not even hear anything about such things? But they will still grow up with the idea that they got the picture how the world works in which they presume to live in.

Being blind about these things is not so uncommon and is really profound, but with a school reform we could instill some amazing results in creating a generation of hard working people who are not blinded and mislead.

But what will probably come true is that even if i talk about such things, the economy will still talk about its growth and the technological advancement of humanity, only a few will know that Marx was not interested in such advancements, but was interested in something else instead. He was interested in the process which can turn things around for the better, development is not something foreseen in advance or is even defined in some program. We do not live in a world where that is foreseen.

Advancement is possible only if something out of the ordinary happens. What must happen is a revolution said Marx, but that can only happen under one condition, when the social antagonists or real contradictions develop to such obscene measures, that the people will have no other choice but to make a revolution. And how do we do that? With the help of thinking, no doubt about it. Only with thinking of the real nature of antagonists we can imagine a better world that will come forth with a revolution.

Let us be united and think our way out of this mess of a world, be kind and help others to understand what must be done. This is my way of doing this.

Sory for the week long absence, i've been real bussy in real life and didn't have any time. Follow, share and upvote if you like my posts, thank you for your support or creative criticism.*

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