
Long past are the times when the human spirit has overcome anything mechanically evil in this outer multidimensional world we exist in.


The dawn of man has past. Developing virtual Von Neumann machines out perform every function of man.

Machines think more logically, robots physically out perform us.

Digitally created are much more beautiful & dynamic works of art than man could ever recreate.

Computers communicate more efficiently and understand more clearly.

Ethereum and swarm technology allows business and government to operate more transparently and in a much more precise democratic way.

All this and more, done at the speed of light.

Long gone is the hero known as man.

Man has been at once corrected , neutralized, and diminished.

Mankind is over. Neutralized and finished.

Far from ever to be a hero again, in any way.

Man is now an asterisk; Nothing more than a flawed inscription that needs to be, and should be, avoided.

Neutralized Man looks into our own relentless setting sun. Silent.

Unable to achieve a heaven that we alone created.

Unable to escape the inevitable hell that devilishly passed through us.

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