How many of you out there drink your own piss? Lolll...

How many of you out there drink your own piss? Lolll...

Okay so.. This is one of the weirder status updates.
For a lil while now, someone on my friends list had been posting about their "urine" therapy results and.. They claim positive things.
It kinda grossed me out so I didn't look into it.

Then this morning I saw another friend start posting about their results as well, and included some links and stuff..
And I spent a lil bit of time looking into it.

First of all I want to say that.. I'm extremely skeptical. Especially when one of these particular advocates claims that it basically cures any disease..
My red flag bull shit radar goes off immensely lwhen I hear that.
Though strangely enough these videos on YouTube have very high like to dislike ratios... By that I mean very few dislikes and A LOT of likes and comments from people claiming similar results.

Also one of the guys claimed you can use distilled water instead.
So.. I may try that, but I heard it can be dangerous as well and I need to do more research before I try distilled water.
And I'm prett sure I'll ever try drinking my own piss, lol.

I guess I'm one of those who is "scared" of his own piss or whatever.
I'm just a very OCD person.
And.. I don't even really like shaking hands with most people (romantic interests are different here, I do enjoy being physical and intimate with women I'm attracted to), so the thought of drinking my own piss is pretty nasty.

Based on a quick "urine therapy debunked" google search I find so much information that makes me never want to try it even more.
I wonder if either of these individuals on my friends list ever typed that phrase into google or if they just want to believe it?
It's important to research both sides of every story! Careful with the half truths, you may not know which half you got.

Apparently one lady even DIED, but.. Her case is different, it was injected into her and got infected.
I think drinking piss is probably generally pretty harmless, though.. To be straight forward.. I don't really know.
I need to learn more about it.

ALSO.. One other thing.. Numerous of these piss drinking people are claiming piss is the "living water" referred to in the bible.
And.. Who knows. Can't say for sure, but I would argue that the living water is not piss, but sperm, or vaginal fluid.
These things give life, and apparently they claim the baby is "born" in piss, and I dunno if that's true or not.. But.. I still think the living water referred to in the bible is probably sperm.

Jesus was the "anointed" one.. Which basically means oil, some take that to mean sperm.. And I think that's a lot more likely than piss.
He was the "life giver" a "God" of creation... Would make so much more sense to me that it would be sperm than piss.
Additionally.. There are reported to be health benefits to eating sperm as well if you look into it.. So.. For all you piss drinkers.. Maybe you should try eating your own sperm too, heh.

Strangely enough, ancient Viking warriors used to rub themselves down in community buckets of sperm before battle, they believed it was a positive and helpful thing.
And, ancient peoples did ceremonially consume sperm, as well as piss and blood and other bodily fluids..
I think some in the occult still do, and this is where a lot of this "Spirit cooking" stuff comes from.
I think some in the occult DO believe that if you drink blood and sperm and other bodily fluids that it makes you live longer and be healthier.

Whether that is true or not I have no clue and I'm not very interested in finding out, heh.
But.. A significant amount of people really do believe this kind of stuff.. They think consuming piss blood sperm and other bodily fluids is like an elixir of youth and a powerful thing to do.

Take that how you will. I think it's fascinating, and a bit creepy and weird.. Though I do try to stay open minded.. So.. I'm not going to say these people are wrong or stupid or whatever.
Who knows.. Maybe they did discover a secret. Maybe consuming some bodily fluids is the "fountain of youth" so to speak. I highly doubt it.. But I don't know. I admit I don't know.

PS This sort of reminds me of this new trend of people eating raw and rotting meat.. The world seems so bizarre lately!

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