February 2, 2020


Good evening everyone!

Been a busy month for me so I haven't posted here. I think today's my first off duty (like a total rest day) since last last week.

How's the start of your 2020 so far? It went so fast its already February. So many things happened in January, I hope things will get better this month as we face another health challenge which is the 2019-nCov.

I hope it wasn't yet too late when the government declared the travel ban. Despite the health secretary not considering our health system as weak, we all know what's the real score and what really happens on the ground.

Let's focus on boosting our immune system rather than hoarding face masks. Let's pray for the safety of our dear health workers in the hospitals who are currently taking care of PUIs, risking their own health even with a low compensation rate.

Its gonna be tough days ahead, but let's hope for the best. :)

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