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When i was a kid i used to swim in this river.


This river is near our house and almost my friends always go to the river and swim. The river was so clair and you can see it more secure than other rivers, but my mother scolded me everytime i swim in that river.

Because, there are stories from old folks that the river that i wanted to swim has a mystery, becayse theres a lot of children who cannot be found after swimming that river, Nobody can explain where are those child until now .

But still i still want to go on that river, the river akso serves us and help us , we wash our clothes here together with our neighbors . Its so easy to wash our clothes here than in the house.


If i cant find happiness,i go in the river and see tge beauty if it . Sing there those beautiful song that ou heart can feel it . I miss my friends, my childhood friends because we used to swim here.
After swimming we go to the mountain and lokk fir guava to eat, because theres a lot if guava fruit in our area. There are small and big guava you can find . Sometimes i didnt eat my lunch because im not hungry anymore because of guava.


We climbed in top of the mountain together with my friends and make a small house there to rest, that was made of dry leaves of coconut tree, so we can rest in the top.
I always be the leader of our friends because i am the eldest among us.
It so nice to be here again.
Hopefully soon i can go back here and experience the beauty of this place and reminise our childhood memories.

Thank you fellow steemits for sharing this wonderful experience of mine.
