Kuya J's Diary Episode 16 - Introducing "First Aid PH"


This is just a follow-up on my last blog about "Importance of Basic First Aid" and if you haven’t read it yet, you can check it out here.

I just want to share to my fellow Filipinos, Steemians, and to all who don’t know yet, that there is an application that the Philippine Red Cross has developed for our smartphones so that we can use it anytime and anywhere. This application is called “First Aid PH”.


This application not only gives you information on handling common first aid emergencies but as well as emergency preparedness for natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, fire, tsunamis, and etc. This application can be downloaded for free at your Google Play Store and Apple App store.

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This application is also very user-friendly. Instructions are given easily through step-by-step so that even if you are not a medical practitioner, you can still understand it. Also, videos and animations are given for easier visual understanding. An example,

First Aid for Burns


Head Injury


Sprain and Strain


There is also a tab for interactive quizzes to test the knowledge of the users about first aid and another tab for the information about the Philippine Red Cross on how to donate to the cause, how to donate blood, and also information on the developers of the application.


According to the Philippine National Red Cross;

If your fellow climber gets bit by a snake should you suck out the poison?

No – “avoid any interference with the bite wound such as incising, rubbing, vigorous cleaning, massaging or applying herbs.”

Instead, work to calm your patient and have them sit or lie down in a safe and comfortable position. This will slow the spread of any potential toxin throughout the person’s bloodstream. Seek medical care if the snake is thought to be venomous and determine the best mode of evacuation for your patient.

This was address and corrected because many scenarios in the movies may have wrongly influenced the audience where the leading actress was bitten by the snake and the actor just suck out the poison from the bite mark of the actress' leg.


Thank you for your time reading this and please look forward to my next episode. If you enjoyed it, you might also like to read my other posts on the link provided below.

  1. Kuya J’s Diary Episode 15 –Kuya J's Diary Episode 15 - Importance of Basic First Aid (CPR)
  2. Kuya J’s Diary Episode 14 –Health: A Matter of Choice


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