My First Cesarean Operation Story

4th January 2015, I was scheduled for a cesarean operation on my 2nd child. She was big and in breech position so it's risky if I insist to have a normal delivery.

At 9am, I was getting ready. Mixed emotions. I was nervous and scared but trying to be relaxed. I just told myself, "If others survived, I will too." My eldest daughter was so excited. She's been waiting for this day. She'll meet her sister in a while.

At exactly 10am, I was already inside the operating room. I felt really cold and shaking. I don't know, if it was because of the very cold air-condition or I was just really nervous. I was glad some of the nurses are Filipina, and they were very supportive trying to calm me down.

They told me to lie down and started to put some things to me. I don't know again, I just let them. I was still shaking. Then they covered my nose with an oxygen. I remember I just inhaled three times then I fell asleep.

I think there were two Filipina nurses who woke me up and told me it's done. They said I have a healthy baby girl weighing 5.1kg(11.2lbs). They told me lots of things, but I was like a drunk person that time. I can't even talk straight. All I ask,"Where's my baby?" One said, she's in the other room.


I was happy because at last we're both safe. Still sleepy, but excited to see my daughter. I can feel numbness but it's a bit painful below my tummy. I saw my husband and my eldest daughter Reign. They are smiling!

At last, I saw my baby girl! I tried to get up to carry her but I can't! I felt the pain. The nurse put her in my arms while I was lying. She smells so fragrant! I kept on kissing her.

That thing on her forehead is a lipstick. A friend visited and put it on to avoid getting ill when praised. That's their superstitious belief. I just nodded. Haha!

In the afternoon, the doctor came in and told me I need to move around first thing in the morning, so my wound won't get stuck and this will help my body function normally. It will be more painful if I don't help myself move. I want to recover quickly, so I walked around slowly in the hospital's hallway. Back and forth.


I tried to breastfeed her but I don't have milk. I then told my husband to go home and make a moringa and lemongrass soup for me. This will help me produce milk. And it did! I was so happy!

On my second day in the hospital, I told the nurses I want to go home. They said I can if I am able to fart and pee and poop normally. I still can't.

3rd day, my stomach is painful than my wound. It seems I have lots of gas inside that can't come out. I was crying because I can no longer take the pain. I was begging them to please do something. The doctor then told the nurse to put a tube inside and release the gas. It made me fart. A lot! Such a relief!

On my 4th day, time to go home. What's even more challenging is that we don't get much help here, because both our family are in the Philippines. We need to survive on our own, and we did! Everything went well and I recovered very fast.

A happy happy birthday to our daughter Reihanna! I thanked God He gave you to us. We love you so much!



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