My Birth in this Amazing Community, STEEMIT!

Annyeong! Hi! Hello Steemianz! 😊

Before I #introducemyself, let me thank first @keshawn and his partner @claudene for introducing and sharing this community to us. A very much thank you to both if them because without them, we will never be part of this amazing and awesome community called STEEMIT. 😍

I am not so used to introduce myself in any platforms but because #introduceyourself is a must in this community, I will give it a try. Hehe

Hi Steemianz! 😊 I am Desirie Gucor, 23 years old, from the Tuna Capital Region of the Pearl of the Orient Seas, General Santos City, #Philippines.

Tadaaah! Haha. That is me, your beautiful steemian. 😅 Sorry not sorry for the word beautiful, for I believe all God's creation are beautiful, just like you! 😉


I like exploring new things especially those things that I believe I can't and afraid to do so. I like to go hiking, seeking adventures, playing badminton and more that catches my interests.


I want you all to meet my mother. There she is, the one in the middle. She looks young right? She is already 48 years old guys. Hehe

Everyone! That is my ever supportive, amazing, hardworking, loving and beautiful mother. She was an OFW before, for 2-4years I think. Sorry, I lost count 😅 She is no longer an OFW because she is at our province taking care of her mother which is obviously our grandmother. Haha! We live 197.5km away from each other for almost 7 years. But distance is not a hindrance for us to stop loving caring for each other. We often communicate with our mother, updating her about our activites and vice versa. Sometimes when we have plenty of time, we visit her at the province and spend our time with her. We like to go biking, hiking, strolling and sleeping when we get tired. Haha!


Our mother is not just our mother. She is also our best friend and lover. 😍

My mother gave birth with these 2 beautiful ladies. That is me in the left (eldest) and my sister Daphny at the right, in case you get confused. Haha.

Many said that we looked like twins but engk! they're wrong. I'm more beautiful than her. Joke! Haha. I'm imagining the my sister's face when she read this. 😂
I think it will look like this. Hahaha. I love you sis. 😘

We have 1 year age gap guys. By the way, my sister is also part of this community, @daphnygucor. 🙂

And these are my friends... they are also part of this awesome community. @adventureofluis @gabiino @xerovlade123 @Toffy @ychelle @anamaris @ryanbans @Finnie @kenner @jezfredcaderao @athena06 @kharl09 @bettasplendens @notjasper @joanderit @nikulai09.
Tadaaa! Meet my amazing friends that I also consider as family, #GAW #SteemitGAW

We like to explore and seek adventures together o possible. We had a lot of first times.

This is our first family cake fight. Try it guys, it's very fun. I really can't forget their faces. Haha. Sorry 😅

For us to stay fit. Hopefully we can maintain it. So many temptations guys. Hehe

First hiking together. We were able to climb Lake Holon Campsite with an elevation of 4700ft. above sea level.

And to be in this community is also a first for us.

We are really excited to be part of this amazing community. Thank you for @keshawn @claudene and @joanderit for guiding us here. 😍

Thank you for spending your time reading my story guys. I hope it is worth reading for. I am excited to meet new people and share my experiences and random thoughts with you guys. That would be all! Thank you very much! 😊

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