TFT League of Legends / Challengers + jaggernauts / Giveaway 100 BoCrypto

Hello friends!
First lets see who participate for giveaway from last post:
(P.S. i say many times write only username with symbol @ but people dont lisen so i will copy what you write so if you dont get tag, its not my fault.)
@ladymisa :)

Winner is number 1 or @olaf.gui
Rewards sent to your Hive engine account. GZ

In this battle i pick 2 Factions, Challengers and Jugernauts.
4 Challengers and 4 Jugernauts.
So i pick common Champions what i play in every battle.


I put some items on her, not primary items what i need but i pick what i have at that moment. I think is important to have critical on spells for her, i have heal front unit, and have lighting strike from statik shiv. Not Perfect but im ok with this items.

Irelia is front tank, very strong unit, and is easy to max her i think because people dont know her full power. Good survive ability, and good damage also. She keep a lot damage, and take enemy time to kill her, so my challengers from back can make bonus damage until this unit is live.
I put Juggernaut emblem on her and 2 tanky items, hp regeneration and some armour.

Samira is my ADC in every battle, and i miss one item what i always use on her but i put what i have from items on her.
I play Samira in every battle because i use it like ADC.

Nasus is good tanky unit, also Juggernaut. I put hp regeneration on him.

Yasuo is challenger but i put JUggernaut emblem on him also.

Nice win and i got promo for GOLD league. More challengin and harder for win league.

🍀🍀🎁 GIVEAWAY 🎁🍀🍀

100 BoCrypto tokens
To participate in giveaway post in comments @ your HIVE account name, and that is all. Who dont use @ or have other symbols in name i cant send rewards, its easy to make that in single line and dont make double work for me when i make giveaways because i missclick and go on other sites and links.
I need @ your hive name
You can simple write :
Hello, tnx for giveaway i want to participate
Count me in @bokica80
So i can easy copy paste your hive username to tag you. If you dont want tag you can write symbols. I ask simple things.
Anyway too much speak
Good luck!

Watch my streams on twitch and earn BoCrypto tokens.

If you have BoCrypto tokens on hive engine you can send tokens to @bokica80 in MEMO write your TWITCH username and i will transfer that tokens to BoCrypto leaderboard so you can use it for giveaways.

Also you can buy HIVE NFTs, hive engine tokens, WAX NFTs, in BoCrypto shop on my twitch channel scroll down and you will find icon for shop.
Also you can transfer leaderboard BoCrypto tokens to your hive account if you want sell it on hive engine. You go on BoCrypto shop and find BoCrypto tokens, buy amount and i will send tokens to your hive engine account.

BONUS for 05.08.2023

Buy any amount BoCrypto tokens and you will get BONUS tokens from my account.
So for every 1 token what you buy you will get BONUS 1 token.

Bonus is activated to 00:00 this night my time, now is 13:13

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