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Pet Sharks for Billionaires? People are HUNGRY you assholes!

How much money is enough money? There is most certainly a huge difference between having say 10 million dollars and having multiple billions of dollars. Most everyone in this world will never know the feeling of even having 1 million dollars in the “bank”. I am always perplexed at how little billionaires even care about the rest of humanity but instead are wrapped up so tight in their tight little circles and must out do their friends.
The new thing apparently between Hollywood film actors is to have actual live sharks swimming in their home fish tanks. The shark is a symbol of power so having one as a pet in your home that you hand feed puts you securely at the top of the food chain I guess. Reports coming from top salt water fish tank builders say that celebrity actors are spending literally millions of dollars to have these fish tanks and they include some of the biggest names in the world such as Bill Gates. Now Mr. Gates claims to be a “philanthropy” driven person and I’m sure a large portion of his loot goes to good causes or what at least may look like “good cause charity” but, below is a picture of his multi million dollar fish tank in his house.
I’m not gonna start hating on a man for being smart and making a lot of money because of the great moves he has made in life to get that rich because I believe in capitalism 100%. There is a point where I wonder hw can you get that much pleasure out of a fish tank when the money could be used to do so much good for other humans who are really on the struggle!
I guess it turns out that sharks make horrible home pets unless they are the very small size variety and it’s almost impossible to have other fish of any sort in the tank with them. Even well fed sharks (about 2k per month) will attack other fish in the tank during a feeding frenzy.

The price for “things” in a rich persons world has gotten to mind boggling numbers, especially in Hollywood or anywhere in LA for that matter. Look at this property in the Hollywood Hills that was just listed yesterday. It is a private secluded lot that used to be a wine vineyard but has recently been re-zoned for sale as a private residence lot to build a house on. How much? Hold onto your wallet because this little circle of dirt has just been listed at 1 Billion dollars! What....what? You mean I don’t even get a house for that much money, it’s just the dirt?
I can remember as a kid watching Robin Leach on the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and his show and tell program of champagne wishes and caviar dreams. I never saw a billion dollar lot or a shark tank in the house so I guess he really only interviewed the poor people in the rich category. The income disparity between the super rich and the barley alive humans all breathing the same air seems to have gotten worse.
These billionaires better hope our moderately civil society stays together because when the masses actually go hungry, there are gonna break into your compounds and feed you to your own captive sharks you stole from the ocean and pet tigers you stole from the jungle. Calling someone rich is a very relative term because some could even look at my own Steemit wallet and think I’m rich. I don’t feel rich, I live in a 900sf condo, drive a 2006 truck and have enough emergency funds only to last a year or so. I’m not saying that if bitcoin hits 1M each that I won’t own a nice car and probably a couple other small properties but, I can assure you that I would rather give my money away before I build a million dollar fish tank and feed sharks all day costing another 2k. Somewhere along the line a man must admit he has enough and that’s the world would be a better place if he didn’t waste his money but, rather spend it helping fulfill the basic needs of others.
