📸 Sunny Macro Lily to brighten up your day 📸

Hi Steemians

I bought this Lily a few weeks ago.
There were no open flowers on it yet,
just a few big buds :)
I could not wait for them to open up.
One morning when I came downstairs,
I saw something very Orange in my kitchen.
Two of them had opened and I was looking
at a fantastic flower :)
It was a very vibrant Orange and it had huge stamens.
All in the same direction like little soldiers :)
I took out my tripod and camera and started to shoot.
I have more to share with you but they are not processed yet.
Enjoy :)


Right click on the image and choose view image to see a larger version.


Thank's to @kalemandra for starting this wonderful challenge.
Thanks to @sardart and @adrianobalan for creating @petals and the #petals contests.
Check the link with the rules for the #petals contests here.

Photo is 100 % own work, taken with a Panasonic FZ1000.
For macro photos, I used the Raynox 250.
Some photos can be taken with my Huawei P10 Lite Phone.
Thank you for taking a look at my photos, have a great day !
If you enjoyed my post I would be happy with an upvote / resteem as a token of your appreciation :)
If you have some feed back for me, please tell because I love to learn and get better :)
Greetings Monika :)



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